Aubrey turned 18 months at the end of January, although our pediatrician is so backed up with well visits that she didn't have her appointment until Wednesday. Aubrey is usually not a big fan of the dr, although I think she's gotten used to it since we've been so often this winter. She was surprisingly very good, didn't cry at all..she got 1 shot and whined after it went in,but then was fine. Such a champ!
Her stats:
Weight: 26.4 lbs (50-75 percentile)
Height: 34 inches (90-95th percentile)
Head circum.: 47.5 (75th percentile)
Aubrey is really starting to stretch out and I was truely surprised at how tall she is..(I'm not sure why)
Developmentally she's doing everything she's supposed to and is very advanced in terms of her speech for her age. At a year and a half kids are supposed to be saying minimally 7 words. Aubrey's is closer to 30+. She also puts some words together and started saying phrases. Some consistent things she says is " thank you" or " I want____( daddy, snack, get the idea)". This morning we were watching my friends daughter, her name is Sadie. Aubrey came over to Sadie and said " Hi baby sayd"..can't quite say sadie,but it's pretty close.
Aubrey is still my little girly girl. Still a huge fan of shoes, clothes, dressing up,baby dolls,barbies and LOVES shopping with just her and mommy..but that we don't get to do very often. She also loves trucks, balls, and wrestling with her big brother..I guess having a big brother prevents you from being over the top girly :).Aubrey is very strong willed and independent. She will throw a fit if there is something that she thinks she can do herself,but you try to do for her..very stubborn. She absolutely adores Braden and immitates every thing he does, which is sometimes NOT a good thing. She really is a very stereotypical girl. Loves books and dolls, and not very good at jumping or running. Definitiely will not be the athlete in the house..haha
It's such a relief having a child that is right on track with everything and knowing that I just don't have to worry.
Our big girl.