Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I feel like celebrating!

Maybe it's because it's 67 degrees out and sunny and I'm in a good mood..
or maybe it's because I was able to wear non-maternity jeans today for the 1st time ( not in the size I want, but I'm working on it..)..
but really it's because of this guy....

Today I had my last IEP meeting for Braden..
 Since before Braden was 3 he had been receiving private speech therapy at home as well as speech therapy at school (in preschool) as well as had a resource teacher to help him with whatever he needed at the time. He then started OT when he was 4 ( at home) to address fine motor concerns, coordination, sensory integration..etc..As his OT said, he was a "funky" kid. Braden worked HARD with both therapists and when something was hard he got REALLY frustrated and it was often a struggle for all of us. Dealing with overstimulating environments ( ie. disneyworld) has been a CHALLENGE for all of us..Braden just couldn't process it all and would melt down. But..after all the hard work( and a lot of money), his speech therapist discharged him last summer and his occupational therapist discharged him in january. The last component was school...
 I was nervous about this meeting because I had no clue what they were going to say.. At school he has speech therapy, a resource teacher that goes over academics and social work. At the meeting today, not only did Braden score above average on most of his tests for speech and social work ( his social worker said he's the star of their group)...but on the academic scale he is WELL above average on every test. These tests are given to all of the kids and they showed me where they expect the kids to be at the end of the year and where Braden was..his skills exceed their end of the year targets...I was shocked. I knew Braden was smart, but I didn't realize he was that smart. I am so proud of the boy he has become. He tries so hard, he is so kind, smart, a good friend and such a nice big brother. I just can't put into words how much I love him and how proud I am of him. It's a huge accomplishment.

I had to include this picture because Braden LOVES taking pictures with Kayla :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

It's been a while..

So I've been pretty lazy about the blog lately..I like reading other's posts, but was just too lazy to write my own..
Too many things have happened in the past few months, so I'll just write about our little Kayla.
Yesterday was her 2 month well visit.

She weighed in at 11 lbs, 2oz. ( just to compare, Aubrey was 13lbs, 1oz)
and was 22 inches long ( aubrey was also 22 inches long)

Her pediatrician said that she looked fantastic and you would never know she came out early!
We go back at 4 months and will start talking solids. Hard to believe she will start eating cereal in 2 months!
Kayla is such a sweet baby! She smiles, coo's and laughs all day long. She only gets a little fussy at night, but otherwise is just so happy. I could sit on the couch and snuggle with her all day long.
She only gets up once a night and the time varies depending on what time she goes to bed. She is a tummy sleeper and has a hard time if we are in and out of the car all day because she doesn't get a good nap in the car seat. If all babies turned out like her, I would love to have another..unfortunately there are no guarantees and there is NO WAY Jason would ever want another one.

The older 2 and I have been struggling with colds the past month..it seems like we all get one cold after another..this one has a tremendous amount of dry coughing and then gets mucousy later..fun, fun..I guess it could be worse:)
Otherwise nothing too exciting...we are just happy to be a family of 5!! :)